UnEXE Wiki

DISCLAIMER: Everything on the UnSonic Wiki is non-canon and purely satirical. We mean no harm or disrespect to the characters or their original creators, and are just trying to have fun. Enjoy!


UnEXE Wiki

I am the first... but not the original. Lord X

Lord X is one of the most evil, serious, and dangerous versions of Sonic.EXE to ever exist. He (or it) is a force to be reckoned with, and not only is he the leader of the League of Sonic.EXEs, but he's also the father of EXE and the one who wrote the Book of X.



Lord X comes from an alternate timeline taking place after Sonic.EXE. Later, Sonic.EXE met the Freak with the Hood, who taught him the ways of the dark side. Sonic.EXE, now wearing light gray shoes instead of red shoes, kills Tails, Knuckles, and Dr. Eggman with his new dark side powers.

Sonic.EXE became extra power-hungry, and then he became a sith lord named Lord X. After that, Lord X created his own sith apprentice named Majin Sonic, who is a result of Lord X turning humans into the Mazin Species. For many years, Lord X killed many other versions of Tails, Knuckles, and Dr. Eggman, while Majin Sonic started to rebel against Lord X, since he was becoming more and MOAR evil. Majin Sonic then betrayed Lord X by using the power of infinity to slash him in an "X" shape, killing him.


Hundreds of years later, Lord X escaped Hell, and came back to life, but there were many side effects. Lord X's body has heavily decomposed, and even his shoes become a darker gray color, turning him into the ugly motherfucker he is today. Despite this massive downside, Lord X was able to disguise himself as the real Sonic, except with yellow teeth. After that, Lord X created the League of Sonic.EXEs, which heavily increased his UnRank. Lord X then created the Book of X, which is a book that all versions of Sonic.EXE must read before joining the League. Lord X then created his own son, named EXE, as well as seven guardians.

Defending Sonic.EYX[]

Lord X found out that Sonic.EXE kicked Sonic.EYX out of the League of Sonic.EXEs by nuking him. This pissed off Lord X, so he tortured Sonic.EXE and brought Sonic.EYX back to life, making him a member again, but Sonic.EXE nuked Lord X and Sonic.EYX together. After that, Sonic.EXE left the League of Sonic.EXEs and destroyed it.

God Damn It Sonic.EXE![]

Lord X got pissed that his entire league got destroyed by Sonic.EXE, so he forced Giorno to put Sonic.EXE into an infinite loop of death while he rebuilds to League of Sonic.EXEs. Lord X then give Sonic.EXE a deal: rejoin the League of Sonic.EXEs and stop attacking his own co-workers, or else he will keep dying over and over again. Sonic.EXE reluctantly agrees, so Lord X tells Giorno to end Sonic.EXE's infinite death loop.

Creating the Definition of an "EXE"[]

Lord X, needing more members to add to the league, found a bunch of fan made Sonic horror characters, such as Fatal Error and NeedleM0use, who didn't want to be EXEs. Lord X then trolled the both of them by forcing them to become EXEs and join the league against their will. Lord X then created his own definition of EXEs:

If there are any fan mode horror versions of existing characters, such as Sonic characters, then they are EXEs, no matter what. Deal with it. Lord X

Lord X's new rule caused controversy, but he didn't care, showing how awesome he is.


  • Lord X is friends with MX.
  • Lord X has a nemesis named S.
  • Lord X, despite being smart, keeps forgetting to brush his teeth.
  • Lord X's favorite number is 7, which is how many guardians he has.
  • Lord X is the second most powerful member of the League of Sonic.EXEs.
  • There's only a few characters from Unanything that aren't undefeatables that could be able to kill Lord X these 4 examples are Mr.Karate II using 50% of his full potential. Super 17, Hei Meiling and most WA Characters
「/」Leader 「/」
Lord X
「/」Group C 「/」
Sonic.CDI - Lost.ROM - Sonic.TRL - Sonic.SUS - Sonic.PST - FortiNIC - S - Bloodring - Tonic.EXE
「/」Group X 「/」
Yokubo - Kyofu - Zetsubo - Gekido - Kofuku - Ken'o - Kito
「/」Non-Members 「/」
Luther - Requital - Genesys - Starved - Furnace - Torch - Alice - Rovina
「/」Secret Members 「/」
1/3 - 2/3 - 3/3